BRADLEY, IL  60915
(815) 933-1666

Medicare Provider Number: 146112

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Balance Sheet

Period ending date ### ### ### ### ###
Number of months in period ### ### ### ### ###
Cost report status ### ### ### ### ###
View Cost Report
Current Assets ### ### ### ### ###
Fixed Assets ### ### ### ### ###
Other Assets ### ### ### ### ###
Total Assets ### ### ### ### ###
Liabilities and Fund Balances          
Current Liabilities ### ### ### ### ###
Long-Term Liabilities ### ### ### ### ###
Total Liabilities ### ### ### ### ###
Total Fund Balances ### ### ### ### ###
Total Liabilities & Fund Balances ### ### ### ### ###

Income Statement

Inpatient Revenue ### ### ### ### ###
Outpatient Revenue ### ### ### ### ###
Total Patient Revenue ### ### ### ### ###
Contractual Allowance (Discounts) ### ### ### ### ###
Net Patient Revenues ### ### ### ### ###
Total Operating Expense1 ### ### ### ### ###
Operating Income ### ### ### ### ###
Other Income (Contributions, Bequests, etc.) ### ### ### ### ###
Income from Investments ### ### ### ### ###
Governmental Appropriations ### ### ### ### ###
Miscellaneous Non-Patient Revenue ### ### ### ### ###
Total Non-Patient Revenue ### ### ### ### ###
Total Other Expenses ### ### ### ### ###
Net Income or (Loss) ### ### ### ### ###
1 Depreciation Expense (included above) ### ### ### ### ###

Financial Data per Patient Day

Number of Patient Days ### ### ### ### ###
Inpatient Revenue ### ### ### ### ###
Outpatient Revenue ### ### ### ### ###
Total Patient Revenue ### ### ### ### ###
Total Operating Expense ### ### ### ### ###
Net Income or (Loss) ### ### ### ### ###