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Facility Name and State

Facility name, city, state, and status are taken from three sources according to the following precedence:

  • Information may be collected and updated as the result of direct communications with facilities, news items, etc. Such information has highest precedence over other sources.
  • Information may be collected or updated directly from a facility's website or from a system's website.
  • Information for facilities without websites may be taken from their most recent Medicare cost report and/or the Nursing Home Compare database. (Data for these facilities are updated as new versions of these files become available. Data from these sources are only used when information is not available from a website or through direct communications.)
Certified Beds

Skilled Nursing Facilities can have a combination of Medicare, Medicaid, and/or private pay beds. Certified beds represent the number of Medicare and/or Medicaid beds. The number of certified beds is taken from a facility's most recent Medicare cost report (W/S S-3, Part I, column 1, line 1). If a cost report is not available for a facility, the number of certified beds is taken from the Nursing Home Compare database.

Patient Days

The total number of patient days (all payors) is taken from a facility's most recent Medicare Cost Report (W/S S-3, part I, line 1, column 7).

Gross Patient Revenue

The total patient revenue (inpatient and outpatient) is taken from a facility's most recent Medicare Cost Report (W/S G-2, part I, line 14, column 3).